CKC has worked on dozens of cases involving white collar criminal matters. These cases often involve Ponzi schemes and general financial fraud. We assist our clients in identifying, preserving and producing relevant information that is often requested by organizations such as the Securities and Exchange Commission.
We assist our family law clients in collecting and analyzing mobile devices, computers and other electronic media. We often receive requests to assist in locating assets that may be hidden and not disclosed to our client. We understand that most family law cases do not involve a lot of money or assets. Because of this, we can offer reduced rates and flat-fee arrangements for these cases. We will do whatever we can to take care of our client(s).
We assist our corporate clients in a myriad of investigatory needs. We are often requested to forensically collect, preserve, process and host data for both small and large investigations. These investigations can include regulatory and governmental investigations or class action lawsuits. We work with our clients to scope the project, identify the custodians, data sources and the type of data that needs to be preserved and analyzed.
CKC has assisted in the collection, preservation, processing and production of data for dozens of bankruptcy cases across the country. Our experts are often requested to collect and preserve data should it be required for current or future litigation. We are also often brought into a bankruptcy matter to forensically wipe and destroy data on electronic media prior to the devices being sold by a trustee. We offer a flat-fee arrangement on many of these cases.
Our professional staff includes active law enforcement personnel, retired-law enforcement personnel and private sector experts. We pride ourselves on being a diverse group of industry leading experts. We are based out of the Dallas/Fort Worth area and conduct investigations globally.
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